Book Review - "The Final Empire" By Brandon Sanderson

For me - This will be a special series. This is the second time I have read a fantasy after the harry potter collection.
Its no doubt a dark story. The initial novel opens with depression where you feel sad on what is happening and slowly plot engulfs you - you reach a land of oppression where few good men are charting out the plan to fight the oppression & oppressor - The lord Ruler .

These few good men lead by Kelsier want to make lives better for the skaa community(who  are enslaved by the noblemen) by usurping the Lord ruler and entire nobility.

Kelsier, the crewleader is a wonderfully drawn character - he is etched with just the right details, dialogues and actions that reader exactly gets to know his mental model.
He is the reckless leader who does opposite of what is expected of him.
He stays true to his character till the end - and is the harbinger of turnarounds for the crew whenever they are low.

Most of the strong scenes where you can feel the passion are when your fingertip is in touch with the pages having Kelsier in them.
Nerve raising, too determined - he also helps one draw true leadership lessons.

The fantasy's source of magic is  the scientific power of allomancy or burning metals where powerful rules which govern each and every action a mistborn takes.

Its really mind blowing to know that writer could delve into so much details regarding the entire world of allomancy.

Vin the street urchin - mistborn - who is inducted into the group by Kelsier is a character one falls in love with.
She is obviously untocuhed by classics always having lived in trouble is a mistrusting girl. who finally experiences faith, trust, love in the group while fighting against the lord ruler.

Her court scenes are a real pleasure to read through and are written with finesse.

Go or not Go ?

  • Definitely a GO if you like fantasy even a bit- because its fantasy with rules
  • Like fine writing
  • Are looking for your next book SERIES to read through.

No Go ?

  • Well if you think darkness depresses you. 

I want to read the next books in series but I think I want a break because I found the book to be little dark and heavy.
Taking a break with Norwegian woods - excited to be reading this my first Haruki Marakumi. 


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